I love the competitions, I loved the ceremonies, I love how humble the athletes are when they win or even when they lose. So many years of hard work to be put to the test in front of millions of people to BE the best of the best... what an accomplishment for these individuals!
But I can't lie...the (real) reason that I get so excited for the Olympics is to watch my Olympic-Crush, Steven Lopez. Meow.
Steven is a welterweight Tae Kwon Do two time gold medalist and now he's in Beijing competing alongside his younger sister and brother while their older brother is their coach. Talk about a family affair!

I had the nerve wracking opportunity to meet Hottie Hotterson a couple years ago when he was in Des Moines giving a seminar at one of the tae kwon do schools where my brother works. Todd called to let me know that he was in town and suggested that I come down to 'check him out' - I wasn't sure who he was at the time, but THEN found out that he was voted as one of People magazine's Sexiest Bachelors, I was totally there... and totally smitten.
Todd took this picture of the two of us and I didn't want to let his sweaty, rock hard body go. I was so nervous and can't even remember what I muttered to him when I walked over there, but I'm sure it wasn't too profound. I do remember him telling me that I had 'muscular shoulders' and then I probably wanted to blurt out how white our kids' teeth would be or something intelligent like that... I realized I am one of those people who definitely gets star struck and I cannot play it cool.

Wow, suprisingly I find no one listed under Tae Kwon Do in the Olympics named Hottie Hotterson!lol I do like watching the olympics as well, certain events, but I think my husband is getting tired of me watching already! Truly the best of the best!
Kelli Ann
Blue Girl....I am WITH YA, sistah! Although my secret drools are over the male gymnasts..humina, humina, humina! Their upper body strength is amazing...when those guys are on the rings, my heart just STOPS. Oh, and I like the swimmers, too, cuz it's the closest sport to naked you can get! (SMIRK!) Although nowadays with those big bodystocking things they wear, it's very disappointing, I miss the little Speedos of my youth and all those pectoral muscles... (insert slight watery tears and a sniffle here...and THEN the smirk!)
oh yeah, girls... that's the olympic spirit i like to hear about! :)
We're allowed....not a guy in this country that isn't secretly drooling over the beach volleyball bikinis!
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