Last night I made a strawberry Jell-O cake for my coworkers and I can't wait to bust it out. My sister in law makes the best Jell-O cake for me, though - I think it's because the pieces are SO huge and she puts actual strawberries on top. I think we (Todd, Evonn, and I) ate an entire cake in two days when I used to live with them. Ahhh, good times....
Tonight some friends are taking me out to eat after work, but it sounds like work is ending around 3 or 3:30! Why not? It's my birfday.
It's a little odd to think that I'll be celebrating with a whole 'new' group of friends when I've always been used to my 'lifelong' friends being there for me. Change is good - it doesn't mean that I don't want to be with the 'regulars', but this goes hand in hand with the endless 'new' chapters that keep opening up in my life. At least I know that someday I'll look back on this 34th year and know where I was in life, what brought me to this point, and reminisce about how each person truly meant something during this season for me.
I wonder if I can use any more quotation marks? I seemed to have 'overdone' it in that last paragraph... sigh...
So here's to ME - branching out, celebrating life, love, friendships, and new beginnings...
And seriously, a heartfelt thank you to each person who has walked through this last year with me! I couldn't have done it without your support, encouragement, and prayers...
You say it's your birthday...nanananana...it's my birthday too YEAH!
I hope you had a great birthday.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Blue Girrrrrrrrl
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!
(And many mooooooooooore!)
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