Thinking back through the years of practice, hard work, dedication, hours spent learning forms, techniques, and all other facets involved, really proves what perseverance can do for a person. I can't even imagine how proud my brother must have felt watching his wife and son give their absolute BEST last week...I know just looking through almost 300 pictures, that MY buttons were bursting at the seams :)
Congratulations on receiving your black belts, Evonn and Keegan! I wish I could have been there to cheer you on, but I'm just as proud of you being miles away! Can't wait to see pictures with your new belts! I love you...


Keegan kick

Evonn's air time

Keegan breaking boards

Note to self: Don't mess with mommy

Keegan giving his speech

Todd, Keegan, and Evonn

1 comment:
That is awesome!! YEAH for the black belts. And NEVER tick them off : )
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