I’ve been thinking about what I’m thankful for this year and I have come up with a few things to share.
I’m thankful for my mom, dad, brother, sister in law, nephew, and niece – I honestly don’t know what I would do without their support, love, encouragement, pictures, email, cards, gift packages, and phone calls week after week. It all brightens my day knowing that you’re thinking of me and only wanting what’s best in my life. I love you so much....Thank you!
I’m thankful for God’s endless blessings that He continues to pour out on me day after day. I usually see a beautiful sunrise and/or sunset and finally experience the changing season!
I’m thankful to have a job, the air in my lungs, and a roof over my head.
I’m thankful for the friends that I have back home who have supported me and my move out West 100% and those friends that continue to have my six. Not to mention the friends that I have made out here who have blessed me in countless ways by getting to the root of who they are, what we mean to one another, being my support system, learning about each other on an intimate level, growing in our friendships, trusting, and loving. I can’t imagine my life without any of you in it….thank you….
I’m thankful for God’s emotional healing. When things were at such a low, painful point and I didn’t know how to cope, He came in to my heart, comforted me and raised me up to show me that better things lie ahead in my future. We formed a much needed relationship with one another – one that I had sought for years. Broken hearts can be mended and later healed with time and nurturing. Our lives intersect with one another for certain reasons and sometimes it’s hard for us to figure them out in the here and now, but they become more revealed with each passing day. I’m thankful for the heartache and experiences that I’ve had because it’s making me a stronger woman.
I’m thankful for my church ladies (insert your visual of Dana Carvey here). They are a group of wonderful women that I’ve gotten to know over the past year that act as my mother(s), friend, counselor, and sisters. They have been beside me as I have walked through a spiritual journey that I have never been on before. They are loving, supportive, knowledgeable, generous, and hilarious! I look forward to seeing them every week because they are safe and comfortable….my home away from home.
And last, but not least – I’m thankful for the Steelers.
I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and friends – share with one another (and me) what YOU are thankful for this year.
Everybody has something to share – take the time to listen and open your hearts…
I'm thankful especially for the wonderful family that I have and know how lucky I am to have them in my life. But I missed you sitting at our table today, and your brother did include you in the lunchtime prayer!! See, we are thinking of you. And are looking forward to Dec. Love you, Mom
All very nice things to be thankful for. You didnt mention the worlds bestestest uncle however!!! And the Steelers??? Far better than the Chiefs but maybe you could be thankful for oh,...The Hawkeyes?? Oh maybe the Clones too for providing you an education without football to interfere????? See you in a few days
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