When I left for work this morning, I took a few pictures of the sunrise coming up over the hill - it was brilliant and of course, pictures don't justify the colors.
The rest of the afternoon was spent watching the radar anticipating the big blob of green heading our way.... everybody was so excited and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't too! I mean, it's the first rain we've had since February - that's right, seven months.
Day after day it's nothing but blue skies and sun - it's dry, dusty, and up until last weekend, it's been 100F - hello, I'm ready for fall already!
As I'm sitting here with the patio door open taking in deep breaths of fresh air and feeling the cool breeze, it makes me want to curl up in a blanket, drink hot chocolate, and watch football. Ahhh....
I can even see black and gold in this sunrise.
And look at that lush grass in the yard around the tree.....sure looks like Fightin' Irish green, to me!
The lush green is mixed with the colors of Fall around here - just gorgeous. Jeff's wedding was beautiful outside yesterday and the Fall leaves were just gorgeous. Four huge trees provided a yellow, orange and red canopy for the event.
Love ya,
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