Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have been so proud the last couple of days - proud of my 8 year old nephew and his newest accomplishment. I want to show off just a little bit....

His artwork was featured at an art gallery north of DM and I hear that there were only a couple other 2nd graders who had art displayed, as well. He drew the most perfect butterfly made up of vibrant colors with the sun as his backdrop! I love it and am so proud of him :)

Great job, Keegs - I can't wait to see it in person in a couple of months! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Keegan rocks.
Shouldn't there be a Steelers logo on that butterfly?

April said...

I cannot believe he is 8 now! I still have the velentine he made for me several years ago. Amazing art on that one too!

Anonymous said...

Cutie-patootie!!! I just love the fact he was a part of an art exhibit!! Congrats Keegan.

hope said...

I hadn't noticed until seeing this picture, but that kid is sure starting to look like Toddia!