Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I want my Mommy...

I hate being sick. Well, I don't know too many people that like being sick, but just to set the record straight, I'm not a big fan.

I actually got sent home from work today because I sit outside of my manager's office and he was tired of hearing me coughing, sneezing, and blowing my nose... I've got crackly ears, a scratchy throat, and now a nose that's been rubbed raw from Kleenex... I want my mom.

Sniff, cough, cough...


Erin said...

Oh honey! Feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

You need a mommy hug, don't you? Take care and rest!!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

So...what color are your boogies???

Chicken soup...check
warm blanket...check
vitamin C...check

hug from iowa...check

Hope you're feeling better soon Marcie!

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon. kaley