Tuesday night was no different.
I get a 'Restricted' call on my cell phone and like everybody else, I ignore it. Two minutes later, I hear a faint knocking on the front door... it's around 8:15pm and I'm sort of wondering who could be out selling stuff this 'late' at night, so again, I ignore it. The knock grows louder and more persistant and I'm getting a little irritated, but still, stay in my room. Next thing I know, I thought my door was going to be knocked off the hinges, so I run downstairs and look through the peep hole to see nobody out there. However, out of the corner of my eye, I see somebody looking at me through the side of the window and I see the sleeve of his shirt - it was a police officer. Well, let's see what he wants....
I open the door and out of nowhere, three men jump in front of me with guns (not the cute little circus guns that say 'BANG!' when the trigger is pulled, but BIG guns). My hands go up and I'm like, "Whoa! Hey guys, what's up?" A woman steps from around the corner and asks me if everything is 'ok in here'.... Sure is... (except for the fact that I want to poop my pants). I offer for them to come in and check things out, but they won't do it.
Naturally, I'm still freaking out... she explains to me that the guy who lived there a year ago had sent in a suicidal note and wanted to go down in a blaze of glory (or gunfire) and this was the last known address that was on file for him. The suicidal swat team was in full gear, ready to go, and then some girl opens the door in her pj's - I wish I would have answered my phone :)
Once they clear out, my landlord stops by to see if I was doing ok - supposedly they had called him first, he gave them my number to 'warn' me that they were on their way even though he told them that the dude didn't live there - they still had to follow protocol. I guess that there were 8 more officers down my sidewalk AND they blocked the street off! I can only imagine the adrenaline pumping through their veins when they walked up to my door - what a let down for them to see me :)
Talk about excitement in the neighborhood...
Holy Cow!!! I don't even know what to say. Thats crazy! You are certainly getting some Corn2Cali education. I am glad you are okay! Love you friend. Stay safe!
You missed a golden opportunity to say, "So, like, are any of you guys married?" :)
This one definitely tops my dog barf story.
this is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!
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