As the old saying goes, you learn something new everyday.
There is no taco pizza out here....the travesty in it all.
My coworkers and I were talking about our favorite kinds of pizza and I told them that Happy Joe's Taco pizza was the best.... (crickets)...... I thought it was because they don't have HJ's out here, which is understandable.
No, it was because they have never heard of 'taco pizza' and quite frankly, they think it sounds disgusting. I tried to explain the theory behind it with the crunched up chips, lettuce, and tomatoes, but they were not hearing it.
So long to wanting a good piece of pizza when you need it.
Speaking of tacos, have you ever tried Tasty Tacos? :)
Ahhhhhhh, the same cricket sound that was heard in the Dorr family home when I started talking about how much I missed pierogies...... You're a stranger in a strange land, Blue Girl, but this, too, shall pass. Hang in there. Tasty Tacos is the bomb...and come to think of it, so is taco pizza. (None of which is on the FXB diet, what was Lance thinking, damn him!)
have you ever heard of jamba juice? yah... that's what i thought you'd say!!!
my middle name is jamba juice, sista!
Yeah yeah... but you have Jamba, Trader Joes, and In N Out at your disposal. You have the warm fresh air full of that indescribable California smell. In another few weeks you'll be like, "Happy who?"
Hmmmmmm pierogies...Potato...Cheese...all fried up in onions topped with mounds of sour cream!!! Taco pizza...never had it. I have seen BLT pizza...choke-choke...gag!
Are you kidding me? There are people out there who have never heard of taco pizza? That's just crazy.
Oh yeah, can you mail me an In and Out Burger please? Meal 1 would be great! :) yum yum in my tum!
This is cute. Yeah food is one of those regional oddities. I remember trying to explain casseroles to my friend from Germany. She thought the idean of mushing a bunch of stuff together and cooking it sounded awful!!! Hey, ever had a Moon Pie and an RC Cola? hee-hee
Just as long as nobody makes taco pierogies...........eww.
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