Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bootcamp Kicked

So last night my roommate and I attempted to 'watch' the Boot Camp class at the park and we were strongly encouraged to join in the fun by the instructor and the group of ladies already involved... what a work out! I haven't been this sore since the first day I did FXB years ago -

Needless to say, getting in and out of my chair at work is an experience and I have a hard time walking down our stairs at home. The joys of being out of shape :) I was planning on going tonight, but I just got word that it was canceled because of the rain - whew, off the hook.

That's right, it's finally raining today - no sun - just clouds, rain, wind and 61F. I may need to break out the spring jacket... but I doubt it.

Besides studying for my licensing exam for work, I'm also brushing up on my Driver's Handbook for CA. In order to get a new license, I need to take the written test and since it's been so long since I've taken the first one, everything seems to be so new. I'm afraid they're going to nail me on the mountain driving and car pool lanes since we have neither back home. Did you know that when it's snowing in the mountains even cars have to have chains on their tires and not just the semis? I had no clue. And they specifically talk about 'rubber necking' in the book, which makes me laugh every time I read it! Maybe this is why we're at a dead stop for no reason every night after work... seriously, people.

We're halfway through the week and I hope everybody is having a good one so far! It's always so nice to hear your voices on the phone, receive emails, and get letters in the mail - it really means a lot to me! Thank you~


April said...

Look at you, being so good with your blog. Addicting isn't it?! I love to read your adventures. Be careful driving around there- they are crazy! And I doubt you'll need your chains but it's fun to think about car accessories eh? ha ha! Hope your little muscles feel better soon! Feel the burn baby!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I remember my daily adventures on 580 and 880 going to San Leandro to work!!! Whew. I still can't believe I lived to tell the tale!!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!! I know Loyal taught you well but Cali roads are still quite different than the Guthrie Center races!!! (ha-ha)