Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fun Fest

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I even chuckled today as I met up with a new friend down in Elk Grove early this morning. While we were at this place talking, an old coworker of mine came in - somewhere WAY out of the way for me (and for her as well), but here I am in this HUGE state and I'm seeing people that I know! I didn't leave until early afternoon and on the drive back up to my place, I kept thinking to myself, "I'm living in California... I'm seeing people that I know in the most random places....and God totally has my back." Talk about comforting.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I had the chance to go to San Jose last Friday to see them in concert - for the third time - and it was their best show yet! They had an opening band called Picture Atlantic who had won a local contest to open the show and they were energetic, got the crowd excited, and were genuinely glad to be in the arena.
The second band that came out about put me to sleep... I have no idea what their name was - I thought it sounded like 'Shoes' and my friend thought it was 'Sugar' something... either way, they were not good. When they announced that they were singing their last song, the crowd erupted in cheers!
I could see Chris Martin's SWEAT on his face :) Oh how I wish I could have ran down and hugged Gwenyth's husband! (sigh)
They sang all of my favorite songs, like 'Clocks', 'Yellow', 'Yes', and 'The Scientist', plus a lot of songs off of their new album... I'm still on cloud nine thinking about it!
Viva La Vida Tour
During the day, we went to Santa Cruz to spend a few hours looking at the ocean off of the pier, walking the boardwalk, which by the way, is not made out of boards. Am I the only person who didn't know this?? I can honestly say that I was incredibly bummed out that it wasn't made out of boards... and I thought it would be longer... regardless, it was fun having ice cream, riding on the sky lift, and overlooking the beach and ocean/Monterrey Bay. I love the ocean.
The pier
The Boardwalk from the sky lift
Ocean waves
All in all, it was a beautiful day outside and the night was even better listening to the best band EVER!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Father Knows Best

For one of the first times in my life, I'm taking my dad's advice.
He has two pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate per day - it's for medicinal purposes, really...
But now I'm hooked - only because I'm addicted to chocolate.
Seriously, what a great excuse...antioxidents, reduces blood clotting, and it's heart healthy!
I love Dove. And Dove loves me.
A lot of things go through your mind when you read something like this and my first thought was that she must have been driving somewhere late at night.
Unfortunately, she was on her bicycle training for a bike race that is taking place this very weekend and it was at 10:30 in the morning! That's right, in the morning... her and one of her friends, Kathy, were in training and were struck by a young woman who had leaned over to pick up her water bottle and drifted in to the bike lane.
It's such a sad story... here you think that you're going out for a couple hours worth of riding and then you don't come home.
Here is the link that was posted on the local news channel last month:
A lot of healing has taken place since last month, but both women (and I should say the young woman who hit them, too) have been through so much since then. I couldn't imagine what would be going through her head, how her family is dealing with something like this, and what is going to happen to her in the upcoming trial.
On the flip side, you have two remarkable women who have been dealt a lot of physical injuries that will take months of rehabilitation and an even longer amount of time to pay off medical bills.
So tonight after church, my roommate and I went to Ernie's (a little cafe down the street from church) for a benefit that would give 50% of the proceeds towards these two women and their mounting bills. What a great cause! We had cheeseburgers, fries, and pop for a flat rate, but you could obviously give more to help out.
I love things like this... seeing people come out to help families in need. There is a small thread that connected all of us in that little room for a short period of time... a thread of love, a thread of giving, a thread of caring.
There was a gentleman taking pictures of everybody at their tables (Frank hates his picture being taken) to show the two women what was going on tonight once they are able to understand and grasp the magnitude of a stranger's love and what was going on in the "outside world". How awesome!
Here is a link to my friend's blog if you want to pray for her, see her progress, and read about how it all began... it's cool to see God answering SO many prayers and letting us be a part of their miracles. Each day gets better and there is so much hope in sight...
I didn't know the other Kathy, but 'our Kathi' always, always has a smile on her face and has such a great demeanor. One night I came in to small group with my Chicago Cubs t-shirt on and she came right over and wanted to know if I was from IL because nobody wears a Cubs t-shirt out here! We had a great talk about Iowa, our love for the Cubbies, how she moved out to Illinois and then came back to CA, etc. She is such a neat woman and I hope she can recover and move on from this quickly - I bet she'll have quite the stories to tell once she gets through all of this!
Please pray for all three women and their healing processes..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Smoke (cont.)
Here is a view off of our patio that I took at 6pm this evening.

To top it off, today was a scorching 108F - AND the air conditioner at work was broken when everybody arrived this morning. You know when you expect to walk into an office and feel the blast of cool air? It was actually cooler (at 82F) outside this morning when I got to work at 7, than it was in the building. We shut the lights off on our side of the building and everybody had their little personal fans blowing. Too bad for me, I don't have a fan because 99.9% of the time, I'm freezing and wearing a sweater, but they soon got it fixed and we were getting cooled off around 10am. But still... it was hot.
I just hope we can catch a break from the heat and smoke here before long...this is getting tiring.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hands Free
This is hilarious - my friend in MI sent this to me today and I can't stop laughing...
In case you haven't heard, California passed a law on July 1st that you cannot be on your phone and driving at the same time, so a lot of people have acquired a Bluetooth in order to be 'hands free'. Which by the way, looks like a roach sucking on your ear, in my opinion.
Anyway, thanks for the clip, Big Daddy!