Well, here are just a few of my pet peeves...
The sound of fingernails being clipped - gross.
When people leave their turn signals on when they're going around the loop to get on/off the interstate...um, hello, i know you're going left - we're all behind you in a semi-circle...
Going to a public restroom where numerous stalls are available and somebody sits RIGHT next to me. This usually happens at work with me and then I can't go because they're invading my privacy.
Toothpaste left in the sink - and yes, I'm the one leaving it, but when I'm in a hurry to get to work, I don't think about washing it down. Then when I get home, there it is - all crusty - to greet me.
I don't like it when people tell me what kind of a mood I'm in when really, I'm just thinking or concentrating on something. For example, 'Wow, you look really ticked off or upset' - no, that's just my face.
Hair in the bathtub drain. (Again, all me, but still a pet peeve!)
People who don't hold the door open for somebody older than they are... R-E-S-P-E-C-T...
Getting cut off in the grocery store checkout line.
Let me know what YOUR pet peeves are - just so I know I'm not the only crazy one!